lona con estructura


One of Gigantia’s specialities is the printing and assembly of structured canvases. We have various years of experience in the design, manufacturing and printing of large-format canvases.

At Gigantia we know how important large-format canvases are for companies since it is a format that provides the brand with high visibility among all of the clients who pass by.

lona con estructura


Gigantia’s latest project was the manufacturing and printing of a structured canvas. This was a large-scale project (14,250 x 5,800 mm).

As well as large-format printing, the client requested that we manufacture a structure to fix the large-format canvas to. Our technical assembly department developed the appropriate structure for the assembly of a large-format canvas.

This structured canvas was located near Valencia’s central market.

When the printing, manufacturing and assembly of the structured canvas is completed,  you can clearly see the banner’s message, “XIV-XV-XVI-XVII…XXII Recuperem i protegim el patrimoni de la nostra ciutat”, “We will recover and protect our city’s heritage”.

This structured canvas project is yet another successful project carried out by us. It has succeeded in increasing the visibility of the architectural study, presenting the message to all of the citizens passing by.

At Gigantia there’s no limit, especially with regard to size, since we carry out huge projects. Would you like to start a structured canvas project? Don’t hesitate and get in touch with us. All of our projects are of high quality.
Moreover, if you would like more information on other projects that we carry out, you can get in touch with us or browse our website.

lona con estructura

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